

From as far back as I can string a memory together, I have always been a creative person, & by creative - I mean - more so, a seemingly big ‘kid ’with an untameable imagination. As I’ve gotten older, I have been able to gentrify a channeling of my exuberance for all things creative into, predominantly, three creative funnels, Art, Photography, & Poetry. In the future I seek to add one more, follow me on my journey as I wish to surprise you.

The fascinating compliment of these three distinguished factions, as I have found, is how synonymous they are in their artistic craft & yet the depth of possibilities are seemingly infinite. That is where I wish to dare to venture.

Yet, I have often asked myself ‘why’? &, well, to date I am vulnerable enough to accept that I don’t fully know the answer to this question as I’m still figuring that one out. But, I guess, that is the entirety of the splendour that is this ‘human experience’, walking by faith & not by sight – trusting that there is a reason why I, or you, are on ‘The Path’.

The truth is, since I have found these forms of expressions, I will continue to permit them to unravel who I am. I will remain, to endure, to ever press forward, for my creative expedition demands the bloom of the spirit in me. I will only ask that you take, to hold, the bind that is my hand – as I wish nothing more than to take you with me; on this uncovery that is essentially the basis of the blustering ‘oneself’, invoking from within to without.

It is befitting to my experience that a wise-man, don’t know whom, once said, “Don’t be afraid to start over again, this time you’re not starting from scratch you’re starting from experience”. Indeed. Well, I started this how I deem fit to end it – with a promise of love & dedication. All I could ever express is extreme gratitude.